We have opened our new massage parlour near green park station ( postcode w1j, 3mins from hyde park and green park tube station ). Four amazing selection of erotic Asian massages including sensual body to body massage, prostate massage, nuru massage and tantra massage. Call Blissful Asian massage London today and discover the unlimited sensual sensations.
Bliss Erotic Massage services Green park
The Blissful Asian Massage has unique and explosively erotic blend of some of the most powerfully exciting massages from across the globe. Heres a list of erotic massages we offer in London :
- Body to Body Massage
- Tantric Massage
- Prostate Massage
- Nuru Massage
- Full Service
- Couple’s Massage
- Extra Services
About the Blissful Massage
Massages have been used for medical as well as erotic purposes for centuries and the two are actually intertwined when it comes to overall health and well being. Tantric adult massage is a form of massage that makes use of sexual energy to attain a higher state of consciousness. Lovers, who study the art as well as skilled Tantric massage therapists, use distinct sensual touches that awaken dormant energy fields within the human body. When awakened, these energy fields are able to unite couples in a highly satisfying, euphoric experience, making it possible for any mental or physical pain trapped in the body to escape.
Massage Methodology
Before the massage begins, many prefer to take a relaxing bath or shower, however this is not a necessity. The massage itself typically starts out with a Swedish style massage, to loosen up the muscles. A deeper massage can also be incorporated for those who prefer, or feel like they need, a more intense massage on their neck, shoulders and back. For men, a prostate massage can also be included.
During the massage, the client will lie down on an extra wide, extremely comfortable massage table or comfortable space, and then covered with warm, soothing oil. As the Tantric massage slowly becomes more sensual, you will gradually be brought up to the point of orgasm and then back again a number of times, a process that leave you feeling both turned on and relaxed at the same time, minus any sense of urgency. This massage technique also helps treat the common issue of premature ejaculation that men experience. In many cases, the massage is followed with a head and/or foot massage as well.
Tantric Massage For Women
This massage therapy is ideal for women, giving them a safe, private space to explore their sensuality, releasing their inhibitions and being more sexually adventurous.
Tantric Massage for Couples
You can enjoy a Tantric massage as a couple, using it as a vehicle to help you reconnect with your partner and even to learn how to give each other a massage with the help of an experienced London Tantric masseuse. Single individuals can also take advantage of the ability to learn this sensual massage technique, discovering how to practice it on their sexual partners.
This adult massage is significantly enhanced by using Tantric breathing techniques during the massage; techniques that help the recipient move energy from one part of their body to others, elevating the experience, helping the recipient learn how to control themselves during any unanticipated arousals.
Everyone, both male and female, responds to this highly effective adult massage therapy in their own unique way. The majority will experience a deep, whole body orgasm, a sense of euphoria, one that’s much different than what they usually experience, leaving them feeling, relaxed and centered. In addition, Tantric massage makes people feel more fulfilled, empowered, no longer physically repressed. Choose a professional Tantric therapist in London who has a skilled, professional reputation so that you can fully experience the benefits of this ancient sensuous art.